Whey Protein Vs Plant Protein: Which To Choose?

Protein supplements can be a great addition to your diet. But with so many protein powders on the market, you may begin to wonder which one is a better choice. One of the ongoing dilemmas that you may face is choosing between whey protein and plant protein. So here are some facts about both these proteins to help you make your decision.

Whey Protein Vs Plant Protein: The Differences

      1. How Are The Protein Powders Formulated?

        Whey protein is derived from whey, which is the milky liquid by-product you get while making cheese.
        On the other hand, plant protein powder is derived from various protein-rich plant sources like sunflower, peas, pumpkin, and chia seeds. With plant proteins, you have a variety of choices based on the plant sources used to make the powder. Many manufacturers use a combination of plant sources for health supplements so you get wholesome nutrition.

      2. Amino Acid Composition

        A major criterion for any protein powder is its protein quantity with quality. Whey protein has all nine essential amino acids which are the building blocks of protein, and branched amino acids which aid in muscle building. [2]
        The protein content in plant based powders depends on the plant it’s made from. Typically plant protein powders have suboptimal levels of essential amino acids and fewer branched amino acids. [3] However, the right blend of plant proteins would provide a sufficient essential amino acid balance.
        With several brands formulating combined plant protein powders, the protein content in whey powders and plant powder can be made to be very similar.

      3. Protein Digestion And Food Allergies

        Another criterion to take into consideration while choosing a protein powder is its digestibility and whether it is suitable for you. Since whey protein powder is made from milk, it contains a milk sugar called lactose, which is a common food sensitivity for many people. Hence, whey protein could cause an upset stomach or bloating for individuals who are lactose intolerant.
        Comparatively, plant protein powders do not contain lactose and can be a great choice for individuals with lactose intolerance. Some plant protein powders also have certain digestion-friendly enzymes and gut-friendly probiotics that make it a versatile supplement.
        In terms of food sensitivities, with plant proteins, you need to keep an eye for food allergies like soy or nut allergies that are quite common. If you have any food allergies, the best way to go about selecting a fitting protein powder is to read through their labels and ingredients list thoroughly.

      4. Which Is The Fitting Protein For Your Needs?

        Everyone’s body is different and so are everyone’s individual goals and dietary preferences. If your fitness goal is to bulk up muscles, both whey protein or a combination of plant protein are great options as they are very effective in building muscles and repairing muscle tissue. [4] [5]
        Both protein powders are also efficient choices for healthy weight management. At the end of the day choosing the perfect protein powder really comes down to your personal preferences. Whether you’re allergic to soy or lactose intolerant, whether you’re vegan or not. The most fitting protein powder is the one that ticks each of these checkboxes for you.

Summing Up
Both whey protein and plant protein have their set of benefits and differences. And as for the question of which protein powder to choose, it all depends on your dietary preferences and fitness goals. Both of these proteins are highly nutritious and an effective addition to your diet and workout regimen.


Can You Build Muscles With Plant Protein?
Yes! Plant proteins are just as effective in building muscle and repairing tissue. With several options of combined plant proteins like pea and brown rice protein, plant proteins can offer you all the essential amino acids your body needs.

Is Plant Protein Enough?
Plant protein may have suboptimal quantities of essential amino acids and fewer branched amino acids. But when a healthy variety of rich plant protein is incorporated in a diet, you may fulfil your daily protein needs with plant proteins.

Can You Eat Too Much Plant Protein?
As with anything you consume, it is important to not overdo your protein intake. Ensure to keep your protein intake as per the recommended dietary allowance which is 0.8 to 1.0 grams of protein per kg of your body weight.

Why Choose Plant Protein?
Plant proteins are as effective as animal proteins and have low-fat content, high fiber, essential minerals and vitamins, and antioxidants. [6] They are a sustainable, convenient, and vegan source of protein.